Thursday, February 26, 2015

Whole Food Plant Based

In the midst of doing the 10-Day Detox I started really educating myself more on nutrition. Now that I had gone cold turkey with my sugar addiction and had already quit caffeine my head was more clear. I had SO much more energy every day. I began emerging myself with information about nutrition. It's hard to explain but I remember just wanting to know more. It all started with The Secrets of Sugar and then I saw that Fat Sick & Nearly Dead was available on Netflix. Yeah, not the best film title if you're trying to avoid confronting any bad food habits. But it was such a great film. It was inspiring! I almost went out and bought a juicer. I'm glad I didn't but we did buy a Blendtec a couple of weeks later. The Blendtec is amazing and that is a purchase I don't regret. It's worth every penny. Yes, Kerry HK if you are reading, you were right... again!

Then I saw another documentary on Netflix called Forks Over Knives. I had no idea what this was about but a friend had actually told me in passing that I would like it. My life was forever changed after this documentary!! Wow! What an eye opener. And for me, it was the right information at the right time. I recommend this movie to everyone! Even my kids have watched it (on their own). 

After watching Forks Over Knives I quickly went to the library and reserved the audio books of The China Study and Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition (Whole is very scientific and can lose you in a few spots). So I didn't actually read them, I listened to them because it's easier to listen while I work then to read since I don't have much free time to sit and focus on reading a book. But with audio books I can do two things at once! I also convinced my husband to get on board and at least listen.

If you haven't heard of any of these documentaries or books the premise is that a Whole Food Plant Based diet can and will reverse and prevent diseases, i.e. heart disease and diabetes, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and help you lose weight. Not only all of this but it is more sustainable than eating animal products. If you want to know more I suggest watching Forks Over Knives or reading The China Study.

After watching Forks Over Knives it seemed so clear the right thing for me to do was to change to a Whole Food Plant Based diet. And if I did it why shouldn't my kids. Why would I not do the healthiest thing I know for them?

The kids and I have currently been following a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet for about 6 weeks. My husband is mostly following but he still eats a few animal products now and again.

A Few Benefits We've Seen From Moving To a Whole Food Plant Based Diet

  1. More energy!
  2. Less greasy hair.
  3. Softer, shinier hair.
  4. Better digestion and elimination. One of my kids used to need Miralax or magnesium supplements almost every day. Once we moved to a WFPB diet he became regular every day!
  5. Weight loss for my husband and I.
  6. Reduced body odor.
  7. Reduction in Eczema, practically eliminated.
So, my recipes will not only be processed sugar free but also free of animal products. You can always choose to use animal milk instead of plant milk.

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